collection Acc4805 - Guardian Newspaper fonds

Zone du titre et de la mention de responsabilité

Titre propre

Guardian Newspaper fonds

Dénomination générale des documents

  • Document textuel
  • Document iconographique

Titre parallèle

Compléments du titre

Mentions de responsabilité du titre

Notes du titre

  • Source du titre propre: Title based on provenance of the fonds

Niveau de description


Code de référence

CA PCA Acc4805

Zone de l'édition

Mention d'édition

Mentions de responsabilité relatives à l'édition

Zone des précisions relatives à la catégorie de documents

Mention d'échelle (cartographique)

Mention de projection (cartographique)

Mention des coordonnées (cartographiques)

Mention d'échelle (architecturale)

Juridiction responsable et dénomination (philatélique)

Zone des dates de production


  • 1887-1987, Copied 2012, predominant 1913-1952 (Production)
    Guardian (Newspaper)

Zone de description matérielle

Description matérielle

.36 m of textual material
19 photographs

Zone de la collection

Titre propre de la collection

Titres parallèles de la collection

Compléments du titre de la collection

Mention de responsabilité relative à la collection

Numérotation à l'intérieur de la collection

Note sur la collection

Zone de la description archivistique

Nom du producteur

Guardian (Newspaper)

Notice biographique

The Guardian newspaper officially began printing in 1887, after Rev. William R. Frame gained ownership of The Protestant Union, previously known as the The Presbyterian. Following Rev. Frame's death in1888, John L. MacKinnon became general manager and editor followed by Benjamin Higgs who changed the paper from a weekly to a daily on 27 January 1891. J. P. Hood acquired a controlling interest in the paper following the death of Higgs in 1896. J.E.B. MacCready was already in editorial charge at that time.

In 1912, The Guardian came under the ownership of the Conservative Party of Prince Edward Island which was seeking stronger newspaper support. They hired J.R. Burnett, an experienced journalist from Scotland, to be the editor of their newly aquired paper. With him as associate editors were J.E.B. MacCready, D.K. Currie, and later Frank Walker. At this time the paper was owned by Charles Dalton whose interests were sold to W. Chester S. MacLure and Lt. Col. D.A. MacKinnon ca. 1921. J.R. Burnett was the only other stockholder.

James Robertson Burnett was born in Aberdeen, Scotland, in 1871. He began his career in journalism in his hometown as a reporter for the local paper, and later he became editor of The Dalkeith Advertiser, another Scotland-based newspaper. By the turn of the century, Burnett was employed as assistant editor, and eventually editor, of The Weekly Argosy, a weekly newspaper located in British Guiana. Burnett experienced great success with the Guardian, increasing its readership from 3,000 readers in 1912 to over 13,000 readers in 1952.

He also made great strides in the system of delivering his paper to the public. He enlisted the help of delivery trucks, and eventually airplanes, in a successful attempt to deliver the newspaper to all Island citizens, regardless of location, on the morning that it was printed, a feat which had never been attempted before. He even began his own transportation company, Provincial Transport Limited, which he eventually sold to Canada Post. Also part of his legacy is his coining of the phrase "Covers the Island Like the Dew", a phrase that is still used today as the sub-heading of The Guardian.

Operation of The Guardian became a truly family affair in 1946, when J.R. Burnett and his four sons, Ian, William, James (Lyn) and George bought out shareholders MacKinnon and MacLure, to gain total ownership of the newspaper. This ownership would remain intact until June 12th, 1952, when J.R. Burnett passed away late in the evening of apparent heart failure. Ian became editor and publisher, with Frank Walker as associate editor, while his brothers held executive positions in other departments. The Burnetts retained ownership of The Guardian until December 1953, when they ended their financial ties to the paper by selling it to Thompsons Newspapers Limited.

Since 1953,The Guardian has changed hands several times, but as of August 2002, the newspaper has been under the ownership of Transcontinental Media of Montreal, Quebec.

On 28 April 1923, a fire had destroyed the Guardian building and plant then located on the corner of Kent and Gt. George Streets. For some time the paper was issued from J.R. Burnett's residence and printed on the Patriot press. When the Temperance Hall on the corner of Prince and Grafton Streets became available the paper moved to that location where it was published until 1956 when it moved to a new building across Prince Street.

Nom du producteur

Burnett, James Robertson

Notice biographique

James Robertson Burnett was born in Aberdeen, Scotland, in 1871. He began his career in journalism in his hometown as a reporter for the local paper, and later he became editor of The Dalkeith Advertiser, another Scotland-based newspaper. By the turn of the century, Burnett was employed as assistant editor, and eventually editor, of The Weekly Argosy, a weekly newspaper located in British Guiana. During his nine years in the British Colony, he successfully turned the Argosy into a daily newspaper. He then returned to Scotland, where he received an offer from Senator William Dennis of Canada to become editor of The Guardian in 1912. Burnett, then having twenty-four years of journalism experience, made the journey to Prince Edward Island, where he experienced great success with The Guardian, increasing its readership from 3,000 readers in 1912 to over 13,000 readers in 1952.

J. R. Burnett made several other improvements in the operation of The Guardian while acting as managing editor. He made great strides in improving the system of delivering his paper to the public. He enlisted the help of delivery trucks, and eventually airplanes, in a successful attempt to deliver the newspaper to all Island citizens, regardless of location, on the morning that it was printed, a feat which had never been attempted before. He even began his own transportation company, Provincial Transport Inc., which he eventually sold to Canada Post. Also part of his legacy is his coining of the phrase "Covers the Island Like the Dew", a phrase that is still used today as the sub-heading of The Guardian. Burnett is considered to be one of the pioneers of the Canadian Press, acting as one of its founding directors.

Besides being a successful business man, J. R. Burnett was also a dedicated family man. He married Flora Hope Trotter in 1909 in Scotland, after which they had five sons; Ian Allan (1910), William Robertson (1911), Niall Hope (1913), James Evelyn (1916), and George Mathieson (1919). His sons eventually became vital components of the operation of The Guardian, each holding positions of authority within the newspaper, except for Niall Burnett, who was killed in action during the Second World War.

J. R. Burnett took interest in several other associations other than the newspaper to which he was so dedicated. He was very dedicated to his church, Kirk of St. James Presbyterian Church, with himself and several of his sons becoming active elders in the church. He was also very involved with the Boy Scouts of Prince Edward Island, and he received the Scout's Medal of Merit for his volunteer efforts with the group.

James R. Burnett died on 12 June 1952.

Nom du producteur

Provincial Transport Limited (1951-1954)

Histoire administrative

Provincial Transport Limited was incorporated by letters patent on 28 June 1951. The company was begun by J. R. Burnett, owner, manager and editor of the Guardian newspaper in response to the expense and difficulty in getting the newspaper to the subscribers in areas of the Island outside Charlottetown in a timely fashion. The purpose of the company was "to provide increased facilities for the storage, warehousing, carriage and distribution of newspapers and other goods or matter" and to engage in and carry on a general truck and transfer business in PEI and between PEI and other Provinces and the United States.

Officers and directors of Provincial Transport Limited were J. R. Burnett and his four sons. A trucking company was purchased and newspapers were successfully delivered in the early morning to eastern sections of Prince Edward Island. In October of that year, the CNR agreed to carry the newspapers and the company accordingly reduced its capital. The company dissolved on 7 September 1954.

Historique de la conservation

The Guardian newspaper fonds were documents originally kept by J. R. Burnett, managing editor of The Guardian from 1912 to 1952. The trail of ownership of these documents after Burnett's death in 1952 is unknown. However, they eventually came into the possession of his son, William Robertson Burnett.

Présentation du contenu

The fonds consists of various records and photographs pertaining to the Guardian newspaper enterprise and its employees and some personal records of its editor and manager, James Robertson Burnett. The former include financial records, minutes, shareholder information, correspondence, and historical and legal documentation. Personal papers include Burnett's 1936 diary and will, some correspondence and a considerable amount of biographical and autobiographical information. The fonds has been divided into the following six series:

Series 1: Financial statements
Series 2: Minutes
Series 3: Historical documentation
Series 4: Correspondence
Series 5: Personal papers of J. R. Burnett
Series 6: Photographs

Zone des notes


Langue des documents

  • anglais

Écriture des documents

Localisation des originaux

Disponibilité d'autres formats

Restrictions d'accès


Délais d'utilisation, de reproduction et de publication


Instruments de recherche


Éléments associés

Other records pertaining to the Guardian Newspaper may be found in the following: Acc4092 William and Mary Burnett collection; Acc4512 Guardian Publishing Company fonds; and Acc4352 Guardian-Patriot fonds

Éléments reliés


Identifiant(s) alternatif(s)

Zone du numéro normalisé

Numéro normalisé

Points d'accès

Points d'accès sujets

Points d'accès lieux

Genre access points

Zone du contrôle

Identifiant de la description du document

Identifiant du service responsable de la description

Niveau de détail

Langue de la description

  • anglais

Langage d'écriture de la description

Zone des entrées

Personnes et organismes en relation

Lieux en relation

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