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November 10, 2004
For immediate release

Random Acts of Poetry in Prince Edward Island

Community and Cultural Affairs

Elmer MacFadyen, Minister of Community and Cultural Affairs; Mildred Dover, Minister of Education and Attorney General and Jim Bagnall, MLA Montague-Kilmur, were recently victims of Random Acts of Poetry when Hugh MacDonald, Island Poet, read poems to them from his latest book of poetry, Cold Against the Heart.

“Hugh’s poem reminded me of my mother and the carefree days of childhood,” said Minister MacFadyen. “This initiative is a wonderful way to promote the work of Canadian poets and the importance of literacy for all Canadians.”

“It's certainly a great way to bring attention to the importance of literacy,” said Mr. Bagnall. “After all, how often do complete strangers approach you and begin reciting poetry.”

Twenty-seven acclaimed Canadian poets brought poetry to the people as part of the first annual Random Acts of Poetry week October 25-31. Local poets read poems to people on the street, at bus stops, schools, libraries, hair salons and in local schools throughout the week.

Random Acts of Poetry is sponsored by in association with the Victoria READ Society as a way to promote literacy and numeracy skills of children, youth and adults. Twenty-two per cent of adult Canadians have serious problems dealing with any printed materials and an additional 24 per cent can deal only with simple reading tasks. (ABC Canada).

Media Contact: Jennifer MacLeod
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