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Public Disclosure of Expenses

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Period for ( (October 2007 - December 2007) )

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Hon. Wesley Sheridan

Business Expense(s)
Date Purpose Total *
Oct 06 2007 In Province Accommodations (Atlantic Breeders Cr ...$149.27
Oct 08 2007 Miscellaneous business expense, under $20. in va ...$8.00
Oct 09 2007 Business meeting with 1 Guest ...$30.93
Oct 29 2007 Posting error - office furniture ...$1388.56
Oct 31 2007 Vehicle Fuel Costs for the month of October, 2007 ...$347.62
Nov 12 2007 Operating Cost - Government Owned Vehicle ...$25.08
Nov 17 2007 Miscellaneous business expense,under $20 in value ...$7.00
Nov 22 2007 Business meeting with 1 Guest ...$36.37
Nov 22 2007 Business meeting with 1 Guest ...$36.37
Nov 30 2007 Vehicle Fuel Costs for the month of November, 2007 ...$364.91
Dec 05 2007 In province accommodation ...$177.80
Dec 31 2007 Vehicle Fuel Costs for the month of December, 2007 ...$332.06

Travel Expense(s)
Start Date - End Date Purpose Total *
Dec 10 2007 - Dec 13 2007Meeting with Bond Raters; Fed/Prov/Terr Ministers ...$1466.58

* Notice: Total includes all applicable taxes.

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