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Public Disclosure of Expenses

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Period for ( (January 2015 - March 2015) )

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Hon. Allen F. Roach

Business Expense(s)
Date Purpose Total *
Jan 31 2015 Fuel expense for the month of January ...$152.55
Feb 26 2015 Governmental/Business Development Dinner - 2 peo ...$27.83
Feb 28 2015 Fuel expense for month of February ...$229.93
Mar 31 2015 Fuel expense for month of March ...$402.12

Travel Expense(s)
Start Date - End Date Purpose Total *
Jan 07 2015 - Jan 09 2015Business Meeting -- Meeting canceled last minute, ...$0.00
Feb 01 2015 - Feb 11 2015European Investment Mission ...$5149.31
Mar 15 2015 - Mar 17 2015Seafood Expo North America Show ...$2962.02

* Notice: Total includes all applicable taxes.

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