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Public Disclosure of Expenses

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Period for ( (January 2012 - March 2012) )

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Hon. Wes Sheridan

Business Expense(s)
Date Purpose Total *
Jan 31 2012 Reimbursement for government use of personal veh ...$674.94
Feb 09 2012 Business Meeting - government issues - 2 people ...$32.21
Feb 13 2012 Business meeting - government issues - 2 people ...$32.17
Feb 17 2012 Business meeting - government issues - 4 people ...$132.09
Feb 29 2012 Reimbursement for government use of personal veh ...$594.11
Mar 31 2012 Reimbursement for government use of personal veh ...$468.93
Mar 31 2012 In province acccommodations for the month of Mar ...$120.80

Travel Expense(s)
Start Date - End Date Purpose Total *
Jan 22 2012 - Jan 23 2012Atlantic Ministers of Energy ...$1399.69
Mar 01 2012 - Mar 03 2012Meeting with Federal Finance Minister ...$1338.85

* Notice: Total includes all applicable taxes.

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