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Public Disclosure of Expenses

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Period for ( (April 2009 - June 2009) )

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Hon. Gerard Greenan

Business Expense(s)
Date Purpose Total *
Apr 02 2009 Legislature evening - Meal for Minister and staff ...$40.00
Apr 02 2009 Legislature evening - hotel accommodation for Mi ...$52.93
Apr 07 2009 Legislature evening - Meal for Minister and an M ...$40.00
Apr 07 2009 Legislature evening - Accommodation and breakfast ...$60.15
Apr 14 2009 Legislature evening - Meal for Minister, 2 MLAs ...$46.00
Apr 16 2009 Accommodation for Minister for 2 nights. One le ...$105.86
Apr 20 2009 Lunch for Minister and staff member. ...$23.00
Apr 22 2009 Evening meal for Minister - evening function in ...$20.00
Apr 23 2009 Legislature evening - Meal for Minister, an MLA ...$65.00
Apr 23 2009 2 Nights accommodation (and one breakfast) for M ...$111.86
Apr 28 2009 Dinner for Minister and a staff member. ...$45.00
Apr 30 2009 Vehicle fuel for month of April 2009. ...$111.85
May 05 2009 Legislature evening - Meal for Minister, 2 MLAs ...$75.00
May 07 2009 Dinner with Deputy Speaker. ...$45.00
May 11 2009 Lunch meeting for Minister, an MLA and a staff m ...$42.00
May 12 2009 Dinner for Minister and an MLA. ...$32.00
May 14 2009 Legislature evening - Dinner for Minister and an ...$50.00
May 14 2009 Legislature evening - Minister's accommodation. ...$52.93
May 31 2009 Vehicle fuel for month of May 2009. ...$127.79
Jun 01 2009 Lunch meeting - Minister and a staff member. ...$28.00
Jun 04 2009 Lunch meeting - Minister, an MLA, another Minist ...$38.72
Jun 08 2009 Lunch meeting - Minister and a staff member. ...$38.00
Jun 29 2009 Lunch meeting - Minister and a staff member. ...$23.57
Jun 30 2009 Vehicle fuel for month of June 2009. ...$129.81

* Notice: Total includes all applicable taxes.

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