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Public Disclosure of Expenses

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Period for ( (January 2006 - March 2006) )

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Hon. Kevin MacAdam

Business Expense(s)
Date Purpose Total *
Jan 01 2006 Vehicle fuel costs for January, 2006 ...$110.49
Jan 16 2006 Hotel accomodations (early morning meeting) ...$128.29
Feb 01 2006 Vehicle fuel costs for February, 2006 ...$113.32
Feb 11 2006 In province accommodations ...$121.38

Travel Expense(s)
Start Date - End Date Purpose Total *
Jan 04 2006 - Jan 07 2006DFO (Fisheries)meeting ...$1429.49
Jan 11 2006 - Jan 12 2006Atlantic Agriculture Ministers Meeting ...$134.90
Jan 27 2006 - Jan 30 2006Meetings at AAFC and NRCan ...$1184.00

* Notice: Total includes all applicable taxes.

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