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Public Disclosure of Expenses

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Period for ( (July 2007 - September 2007) )

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Hon. Neil LeClair    from   June 12, 2009

Business Expense(s)
Date Purpose Total *
Jul 06 2007 In province accommodations ...$160.56
Jul 11 2007 One miscellaneous expense under $20. ...$17.72
Jul 20 2007 Lunch meeting with 3 Caucus members re West Prin ...$63.90
Jul 30 2007 Lunch meeting with one guest during tour of Dist ...$21.84
Jul 31 2007 Vehicle fuel expenses for July, 2007 ...$444.78
Aug 03 2007 Reception for Island Games to honour PEI conting ...$32.84
Aug 31 2007 Vehicle fuel expenses for August, 2007 ...$284.43
Sep 18 2007 Lunch meeting with 2 guests re AgVision ...$61.08
Sep 21 2007 Lunch meeting with three Caucus members re West ...$63.99
Sep 26 2007 In province accommodations for the month of Sept ...$119.28
Sep 28 2007 Two miscellaneous expenses each less than $20.00 ...$21.38
Sep 30 2007 Vehicle fuel expenses for September, 2007 ...$282.21

Travel Expense(s)
Start Date - End Date Purpose Total *
Aug 17 2007 - Aug 26 2007Trade Mission to Russia ...$4966.07
Sep 14 2007 - Sep 14 2007Maritime Ministers of Agriculture Meeting ...$40.75
Sep 27 2007 - Sep 28 2007Maritime Ministers of Agriculture meeting ...$130.68

* Notice: Total includes all applicable taxes.

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