St. Peters Bay (P.E.I.)



Note(s) sur l'utilisation

  • Adjacent to Gulf of St. Lawrence, Lots 39, 40, and 41. Named by Louis Denys de la Ronde, 1721 havre St. Pierre for Comte de St. Peirre, equerry to the Duchess of Orleans at the French Court. De la Ronds obtainied a grant of PEI in 1719 and 1720 and formed a company to develop it. The enterprize was abandoned in 1724. Map 1750 Riviere Ronton; Jumeau 1685 R. S. Antoine de pade. In Micmac Pogiisumkek Booktaba 'bay of clams' (Rand) or Oegopeg, 'end of the water' (Pacifique 1934). St. Peters River flows into the bay.

Note(s) sur la source

  • Rayburn, pp. 109-110 ; RAD 23.2A1 ; Created by J. MacMicken Wilson, 4 June 2004. Entered into AtoM by J. Toms, 17 November 2014.

Note(s) d'affichage

Termes hiérarchiques

St. Peters Bay (P.E.I.)

Termes équivalents

St. Peters Bay (P.E.I.)

  • Employer pour Havre St. Pierre
  • Employer pour Pogiisumkek Booktaba
  • Employer pour Oegopeg

Termes associés

St. Peters Bay (P.E.I.)

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