Prince of Wales College Fund

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Prince of Wales College Fund

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The Prince of Wales College Fund financed renovations and a large addition to the Prince of Wales College buildings in 1906-1907. H. J. Cundall, on behalf of Sir William C. Macdonald of Montreal, Quebec, and Dr. James Robertson of Macdonald College in St. Anne de Bellevue, Quebec, administered the College Fund, which appears to have consisted of a fifty-five thousand dollar benefaction by Sir William C. Macdonald. The new addition to the building measured seventy by one hundred feet and was placed at the northern end of the original building. It provided additional classrooms for Model School use, Domestic Science classrooms and equipment, enlarged facilities for "Nature Study", increased Library facilities, and an Assembly Hall which also served as an "Exercising Room". The architect was C. B. Chappell. Renovations, and Cundall's supervision of the project were completed for the most part, by December of 1907.


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