Pope, Joseph (Family)

Zone d'identification

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Forme autorisée du nom

Pope, Joseph (Family)

Forme(s) parallèle(s) du nom

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Autre(s) forme(s) du nom

Numéro d'immatriculation des collectivités

Zone de description

Dates d'existence


Joseph Pope was born in Plymouth, England on the 20 June 1803. In 1818, Joseph made a trip to Prince Edward Island to visit his brothers John and William, who had been sent by their father Thomas to buy lumber. John and William returned to England, but Joseph remained on PEI and carried on the business in his own name in Bedeque. In 1830, he was elected to the Provincial Legislature and remained there for twenty-three years, twice being elected speaker of the House. In 1853, Joseph returned to England and settled in Liverpool for fifteen years. He came back to PEI and died in Charlottetown on 3 September 1895, in his ninety-third year. Joseph married three times. He and his first wife Lucy Colledge had three children, William Henry, James Colledge, and Lucy Eliza, who died in childbirth in 1828. Joseph did not have any children with his second wife, Eliza Campbell, or by his third marriage to Eliza Cook.

William Henry Pope was born in St. Eleanors, PEI, on 29 May 1825, the eldest son of Joseph and Lucy Pope. William obtained his early education on PEI before studying law at the Inner Temple in London, England. Returning to PEI, William articled in the office of Edward Palmer in Charlottetown and was called to the bar in 1847. William married Helen Desbrisay in 1851, and they had six children. Pope entered government office in 1859, being appointed Colonial Secretary for PEI. In this same year, he also began his journalism career by becoming editor of "The Islander." Pope was the center of the religious-educational controversies of the early 1860s, an advocate of Confederation, and a Father of Confederation. He died on 7 October 1879, in St. Eleanors.

James College Pope was born in Bedeque on 11 June 1826. He received his early education on PEI before completing his studies in London. He married Eliza Pethick on 12 October 1852, and they had eight children. James was a merchant, ship owner, and shipbuilder in Summerside, before winning the seat in Bedeque to become a member of the Legislative Assembly in 1857. He retained this seat until 1873. Pope re-entered the legislature in 1875, but was defeated in August of the following year. In 1863, Pope took up residence in Charlottetown. James was elected premier from 1865 to 1867, and again in 1870 until 1872. Pope was elected to the federal House of Commons in 1876. With his appointment as Federal Minister of Marine and Fisheries in 1878, James and his family moved to Ottawa. He resigned from federal politics in 1881, died in Summerside on 18 May 1885, and is buried in St. Eleanors.


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Règles et/ou conventions utilisées

RAD 22.29B

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Dates de production, de révision et de suppression

25 April 2001. Copied from PEIAIN 14 July 2015.




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