Mollison, John

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Mollison, John

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John Mollison, "veteran townsman" of Summerside, was born in Scotland on 12 January 1850. At the age of twelve he immigrated to Prince Edward Island where at a later age he pursued a career as school teacher. Two of his appointments were in Freeland (1878-1880) and Tyne Valley (1880-1881). He was also a journalist and, for a few years, editor of the Summerside "Pioneer" as well as engaging in some surveying and fox farming. In 1932 he published a book on moral philosophy entitled "What is man?...." An inveterate writer he compiled notes for several other works on music, sound and speech, wrote lengthy letters to editors of newspapers on various subjects such as spelling reform, and submitted articles to magazines such as the "Dalhousie Review" and the "PEI Magazine". He served as secretary of the Independent Order of Foresters and the Liberal Club of Summerside. In the early 1870's he married Mary Cairns with whom he had five children, two girls and three boys. John Mollison died on 12 June 1937 at the age of 88.


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