Knox, John

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Forme autorisée du nom

Knox, John

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Zone de description

Dates d'existence



Reverend Doctor John Knox was born in Edinburgh in 1817. He was educated and began his professional life in London in 1839. He apparently did not complete the full medical course at this time. He came to Prince Edward Island in 1842 and became the Pastor of the Disciples of Christ First Baptist Church in Crossroads, Prince Edward Island from 1842 until 1882. With this charge, he also became the First Baptist Pastor for East Point and Summerside. John Knox married Margaret Ferguson [ ?-1867], daughter of Malcom Ferguson of Lot 48, Prince Edward Island, on 29 May 1855. Following her death he married Catherine Dewar on 28 January 1878. John Knox was licensed to practice medicine on 3 January 1872, after having received his degrees of Doctor of Medicine and Doctor of Laws from an American College. He died on the 16 November 1892 and is buried at the Crossroads Church Cemetery.


Statut juridique

Fonctions et activités

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Dates de production, de révision et de suppression

3 May 2000. Entered into AtoM 22 December 2014.




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