Inman, Elsie

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Inman, Elsie

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The Hon. Elsie Inman (1890-1986) was, throughout her lifetime, a leading figure in women's issues both on Prince Edward Island and in Canada. She was a strong proponent of both woman's right and obligation to play a role in public life. For thirty years she served as one of P.E.I.'s representatives in the Senate, called to that post sixteen years before P.E.I. had its first woman M.L.A.

Born Florence Elsie MacDonald in West River, P.E.I., daughter of Alexander MacDonald and Florence White, she attended public and high schools in Montague and Charlottetown. In 1910 she married George Strong Inman, sometime member of the Legislative Assembly and later Judge of the Prince County Court. They had four children: W. Robert, George S. A., Wilfrid N., and R. Victor.

Prior to being called to the Senate, Elsie Inman played an active role in P.E.I. political life, organizing and serving as President of the P.E.I. Liberal Women's Association, being nominated (but defeated) as Liberal Candidate for Belfast in the early 1920's, and serving as Chairman of the Mother's Allowance Commission of P.E.I. As well, she served on the executive of various organizations such as the Innkeepers Association of P.E.I., the Canadian Club in P.E.I., the Royal Canadian Legion, the Montague Hospital Auxiliary, and the Business and Professional Women's Association.

During her years in the Senate (from July 1955 to her death in 1986), she participated in the meetings of international organizations such as the Interparliamentary Group, NATO, the U.N. etc., was an active member of various Senate Special and Standing Committees, and undertook many speaking engagements.


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