Hyndman, John Orlebar

Zone d'identification

Type d'entité

Forme autorisée du nom

Hyndman, John Orlebar

Forme(s) parallèle(s) du nom

Forme(s) du nom normalisée(s) selon d'autres conventions

Autre(s) forme(s) du nom

Numéro d'immatriculation des collectivités

Zone de description

Dates d'existence


John Orelebar Hyndman was born 16 July 1877, the second son of F. W. Hyndman, founder of the insurance company, Hyndman & Co. in which J.O. Hyndman worked for most of his life. He became interested in the relations between Prince Edward Island and the Dominion and especially in transportation matters. Involved with the formation of the Associated Boards of Trade of Prince Edward Island, Hyndman also served as a member of the Maritime Provinces Transportation Commission. In 1940 he resigned in order to run as a Conservative candidate for Parliament but was unsuccessful.

Hyndman purchased the property on which Fort Amherst was located in 1913 and was interested in the history of the area. The land was sold to the Federal Government and made into a National Historic Park. He died on 5 April 1959.


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Fonctions et activités

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Contexte général

Zone des relations

Zone du contrôle

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Règles et/ou conventions utilisées

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Dates de production, de révision et de suppression




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