Grammar School (Charlottetown, P.E.I.)

Zone d'identification

Type d'entité

Forme autorisée du nom

Grammar School (Charlottetown, P.E.I.)

Forme(s) parallèle(s) du nom

Forme(s) du nom normalisée(s) selon d'autres conventions

Autre(s) forme(s) du nom

Numéro d'immatriculation des collectivités

Zone de description

Dates d'existence


"An Act for the encouragement of Education in the different Counties and districts in this Island" (5George IV, 1825, cap. V) allowed for the Lieutenant-Governor to issue a warrant for 50 towards the support of a grammar school in Charlottetown provided that the nearest clergyman to the school certified in one schedule the names and ages of the scholars taught therein, their dates of entrance, and the branches of education they were learning. The list had to have at least ten male students of the age of seven or upwards. This document was then to be filed in the Secretary's Office. Little more is known of the Grammar School which operated in Charlottetown although it appears to have been attended by the children of most of the prominent Charlottetown families.


Statut juridique

Fonctions et activités

Textes de référence

Organisation interne/Généalogie

Contexte général

Zone des relations

Zone du contrôle

Identifiant de la description

Identifiant du service responsable de la description

Règles et/ou conventions utilisées

Niveau d'élaboration

Niveau de détail

Dates de production, de révision et de suppression




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