Cundall, Henry James

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Cundall, Henry James

Forme(s) parallèle(s) du nom

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Dates d'existence


Henry Jones Cundall was a prominent and respected Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, resident for several decades. He was born in New London,13 January 1833, the son of William Cundall and Sarah Louisa Haszard. After attending the Central Academy in Charlottetown, he studied with Lawrence Gaul and became a licenced Dominion land surveyor. His ability in his chosen profession is amply demonstrated in his numerous surviving manuscript maps of Prince Edward Island, whether of the Island as a whole, of individual Lots, or of particular smaller sections. He is credited with designing and publishing the first reliable map of P.E.I. in 1851. Perhaps his most ambitious endeavour in this field was undertaking the survey of the appropriation for the P.E.I. Railway in 1872. In addition to his surveying activities he was reputed to be an excellent accountant and acted as agent for several estates. He also belonged to the militia as a member of the Prince of Wales Volunteers.

Cundall took an active interest in the betterment of his community and his fellowman. For many years he was Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the P.E.I. Hospital as well as serving terms as President of the YMCA and the PEI Telephone Company. He was a member and ardent supporter of St. Paul's Anglican Church where he was superintendant of the Sunday School for twenty years. Along with bequests in his will to some of the above institutions, he left a trust to establish and maintain a refuge and temporary home in Charlottetown for the care and training of friendless young women.

Henry Jones Cundall never married. He died on 16 July 1916 at his residence, Beaconsfield.


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