Beairsto, Benjamin

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Beairsto, Benjamin

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Dates d'existence


Benjamin Beairsto (1817-1894) was the son of George (1786-1864) and Margret Riley Beairsto of North Shore House, Malpeque, Prince Edward Island. Benjamin married Anne McNutt (1823-1903) and became the second owner of the North Shore House hotel. In 1888, they added the third storey. Benjamin was a Justice of the Peace, and he performed many marriage ceremonies in his home. His son George F. Beairsto (1853-1923) married Emma Ramsay (1865-1962), and they were the third owners of the North Shore Hotel and farm. Their son Ralph Beairsto (1897-1972) married Bertha Buxton (1896-1949) and became the fourth and last of the Beairsto family to own and live at the North Shore Hotel and farm. After Bertie


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