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For teens

This information can help you understand violence as it affects you. Do you know what a healthy relationship looks like? It's important to recognize an abusive relationship too, and to know where you and your friends can turn for help before things get worse. Take a look and share with your friends. 

Click on the Teen Power and Control Wheel and Equality Wheel for Teens images below to download as PDF format.


Talk About It is sponsored by the Mayor of Charlottetown's Purple Ribbon Taskforce

Where Teens Can Get Help

In an Emergency, call 911

Kids Help Line 1-800-668-6868 (24 hours a day)

Child Abuse Line 1-877-341-3101; after hours 1-800-341-6868

Island Help Line (toll free) 1-800-218-2885 (24 hours a day)

School Guidance Counsellors, teachers and staff

If you or someone you know has experienced dating, family or sexual violence, check out the Family Violence Resource Guide for information on all services and programs available on Prince Edward Island.



Other Community Resources

  • for helpful booklets on dating, family and sexual violence and safety planning.
  • Teen Talk from the PEI Rape and Sexual Assault Centre
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