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Justice and Legal Services

Victim Services
  • Charlottetown (902) 368-4582
  • Summerside (902) 888-8218

Assists victims of crime across the province. Services include: information and referral; short-term counselling; assistance through the Court process; victim impact statements; and criminal injuries compensation; and assistance under the Victims of Family Violence Act. Victims can access Victim Services whether the police have been called or not.

Police Services:

  • All Police Emergency Calls 911
  • Non Emergency Numbers:
  • Charlottetown RCMP (902) 368-9300
  • Summerside RCMP (902) 436-9300
  • Alberton RCMP (902) 853-9300
  • Montague RCMP (902) 838-9300
  • Souris RCMP (902) 687-9300
  • Charlottetown Police Services (902) 629-4172
  • Summerside Police Services (902) 432-1201
  • Kensington Police Services (902) 836-4499

Community Legal Information Association of PEI and Lawyer Referral Service (CLIAPEI):

  • Charlottetown (902) 892-0853
  • (toll free) 1-800-240-9798

Provides legal information via a website, inquiry line, walk-in service, website, speakers bureau, and plain language publications. CLIA can also provides referrals for a brief consultation with a lawyer for a small fee.

Crime Stoppers:

If you are being abused or know of an abusive situation, you can call Crime Stoppers. We do not require your name, only your information. We guarantee that you will remain anonymous.

Crown Attorneys:

  • Charlottetown (902) 368-4595
  • Summerside (902) 888-8213

Responsible for the prosecution of all criminal cases under the Criminal Code of Canada and Provincial Statutes including the Victims of Family Violence Act. Crown Attorneys are available to meet with victims prior to court proceedings usually in the presence of a Victim Services Worker and/or a police officer.

PEI Community and Correctional Services Clinical Services Team:

  • (902) 569-7613

Programming of the Team focuses upon the delivery of services, primarily to Justice clients, which will develop and reinforce positive lifestyles; includes the Turning Point Program which is a men’s group counselling program aimed at helping men to stop violence against their female partners; the Female Anger Management Program and the Male Anger Management Program in both community and custody; and the Sexual Deviance Assessment / Treatment Program.

Family Legal Aid:

  • Charlottetown (902) 368-6656
  • Summerside (902) 888-8066

Services to low-income clients with urgent family law matters such as domestic violence where safety of adults or children has been endangered, family legal services are essential to meet the needs of children (custody, access, financial support, housing), and child protection cases.

Family Court Counsellors/Mediators:

  • Charlottetown (902) 368-6928

Prepares court-ordered home study assessments and recommendations regarding custody/access issues; makes appropriate referrals to other agencies; and provides mediation services for co-parents developing Parenting Plans regarding custody and access; and related issues.

Lawyer Referral Service:

  • Charlottetown (902) 892-0853 
  • (toll free) 1-800-240-9798

Legal advice provided early before your problems become complicated or expensive. Nominal fee for one-half hour advice. Monday to Friday. 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.

Maintenance Enforcement Program:

  • Charlottetown (902) 894-0383
  • Interactive Voice Response System (IVR) (902) 368-6010
  • (toll free) 1-866-226-8722

Enforcement of child/spousal support orders and agreements.

Mi'kmaq Confederacy of PEI (MCPEI) Aboriginal Justice Program:

  • Charlottetown (902) 367-3681

Provides meaningful and culturally appropriate alternatives to formal court process that is understanding and respectful of the Aboriginal offender. Also provides support, information and referrals to all Aboriginals on Prince Edward Island.

Mediation PEI, Inc:

  • (902) 892-7667

Through a cooperative, voluntary process, neutral, trained mediators or elder mediators help assist people  develop mutually agreeable solutions to impasses or conflicts. In addition, mediators can facilitate an alternative process to legal proceedings. Elder mediators apply their knowledge on aging to the intricate life issues facing older people.
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