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The Public Archives Celebrates Canada 150: A Look at the Charlottetown Camera Club 1967 Centennial Celebration

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Man standing in a field of Charlottetown #80 Barley at the Experimental Farm, Charlottetown, August 1922
Original Charlottetown Camera Club 1967 description:
"When the Woolners of Rustico came to the Island, they brought with them seed of an English barley named Chevalier. This was grown for a number of years and became known as Old Island Two-Row. This barley revealed several distinct types which were separated out at the Experimental Station. One of these strains was called Charlottetown #80 and was licensed in 1916. The outstanding feature of this barley that will commend it to farmers is its habit of dropping its awns in the field, thus aiding in clean threshing."

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