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Online Exhibits

Preserved by Letters: Fifty Years of the Public Archives and Records Office

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PARO Collections Database advanced search screen
The Public Archives’ federated online search engine allows users to access a wealth of vital statistics records along with information about maps, architectural plans, photographs, and more.
"The Public Archives and Records Office website received 52,764 visits and 759,732 page views in 2013-2014. The PARO Collections Database, PARO’s federated online search engine, went live 28 October 2013... In the first five months online, the database has received 109,351 visits." (Report of the Public Archives and Records Office, 2013-2014)

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To see more of the images from this and other collections visit the Public Archives and Records Office, Atlantic Technology Centre (ATC), 176 Great George Street, Suite L20, in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island.
For more information about the Public Archives and its holdings, please visit