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History of Sport and Recreation on Prince Edward Island, 1850-1950

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Prince George and members of the Charlottetown Cricket Club, Victoria Park, June 1884
The establishment of the Charlottetown Cricket Club on 9 April, 1850, marked a new era for sport on Prince Edward Island. Whereas sporting activity in the past had often been informal and spontaneous, the creation of the Cricket Club signified an important move towards the development of organized sport in the province. Established by a group of prominent Charlottetown gentlemen, the Cricket Club adopted the rules of play set down by the Marylebone Cricket Club of London, England, in its Code of Laws. Extremely popular in England at the time, the game of cricket gradually spread throughout the British Empire. The transference of the sport to British North America bears testimony to the enduring influence that Great Britain would have on the sporting and recreational pursuits of Prince Edward Island during these early years.

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