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Online Exhibits

Diary of a Young (P.E.I.) Girl: Gertrude MacMillan

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Harvesting potatoes, ca. 1910
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Diary entry, 4 May 1910
Questions for Students

- How many tractors do you see in the farming photos? How has farming changed since 1910?
- In 1910, is farming a primary, secondary or tertiary industry? Name some primary, secondary and tertiary industries on PEI one hundred year ago.
- Eck is the farmhand who works for the MacMillan family. Write a story from the point of view of a farmhand in 1910.
- Do you think there will be more farmers on PEI in 1910, 2010 or 3010? Why do you believe this?
- What methods of farming would be the most sustainable?
- Compare work and jobs in 1910 to today.

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