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Newbery Family Photographs

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PARO Acc. 3003/6
Queen Square Garden, Charlottetown (colour postcard), ca. 1905
Arthur Newbery was instrumental in establishing the Queen Square Gardens. As Assistant Provincial Secretary, his office was located in Province House, the grounds of which Newbery and others lamented were in a barren and deplorable state. In 1884, the Charlottetown Arbor Society was formed with the objective of planting trees along the streets and in the squares of the City. A committee was struck for each square, and Newbery became the secretary and planner of the Queens Square Committee. Newbery's plan included more than planting trees. Over the next decade, many improvements were carried out in Queens Square under Newbery's direction including the installation of a fountain, flower beds, benches and a bandstand.

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