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St. John the Baptist Roman Catholic Church

Provincial Registered Heritage Place

  • 10 Lady Slipper Drive North
  • Miscouche
  • Construction Date: 1890 - 1892
  • Latitude: 46.43334
  • Longitude: -63.86721
  • Place Description
  • Why is this place important?
  • Special Characteristics

Place Description

This well maintained ornate church is designed in the High Victorian Gothic style. It features a symmetrical facade with a rectangular nave framed by twin square towers with buttresses. Side aisles are located on each side of the nave with a clerestory above. A sacristy is located at the back or east end of the church. The pointed arch Gothic windows feature tracery and hood moulding. The gable roof has decorative bargeboard and a cross at its peak. Each spire is also topped by a cross. The east end of the church has a decorative corner turret rising from each corner.

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