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Healthy School Communities

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School Health Action Planning and Evaluation System / Youth Smoking Survey (SHAPES/YSS)

The School Health Action Planning and Evaluation System (SHAPES) and Youth Smoking Survey (YSS) are being implemented in partnership with the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development, the Department of Health and Wellness, the Comprehensive School Health Research Group at the University of Prince Edward Island, the University of Waterloo, and Health Canada. The SHAPES/YSS survey collects information from students in grades 5-12 regarding their knowledge, attitudes, and behaviours related to healthy eating, physical activity, tobacco use, and mental fitness. Schools received Student Health Profile reports specific to their student-level survey results and an analysis of the programs, policies and supports in place at the school-level using the Joint Consortium for School Health - Healthy School Planner. Aggregated SHAPES/YSS data is also used to produce both school board and provincial feedback reports. Annual funding from the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development will be utilized to support biannual data collection and to support school programs, developed in response to their school-level data, through the School Health Grant.


                                   2012-2013 SHAPES                      2012-2013 Youth Smoking Survey
                                              Provincial Report                                   Provincial Report
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