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Coming Events

Event: Organic Research Open House & Farm Tours
Date: Aug 08, 2018
Location: 1200 Brackley Point Road, Harrington,

Time: 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Morning research presentations (8:30 am - 12:00 pm) will include:

  • Organic Rotation Study with Dr. Andrew MacKenzie-Gopsill
  • Organic Potato Variety Evaluations with David Main
  • Participatory Plant Breeding Organic Oat Selections with Dr. Aaron Mills and Katherine Stanley (University of Manitoba)
  • Legacy Farm Tour & Overview of Research Projects for Low-input Systems: Chamomile, Soil Enzymes, and Red Bell Peppers with Phil Ferraro, Legacy Garden Manager.

Afternoon farm tours (1:00 pm - 5:00 pm) will include (and may be subject to change):
  • Equipment for Large-scale Organic Production with Middelkamp Organic Produce
  • Livestock Rations and Mixed Feed with Barnyard Organics
  • On-farm milling and value-added with Crystal Green Farms

Please register in advance, choosing the registration with lunch ($15) or registration with no lunch (free) option. Please note that space is limited for afternoon farm tours and attendance will be capped at 25 people. Please indicate on your registration form whether you will be attending the AM (research) session, PM (farm tour) session, or the full day. Ride sharing will be offered from the Farm Centre for the afternoon.

Contact:  ACORN
Contact Phone: 1-866-32-ACORN (2-2676)
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