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Event: Progressive Agriculture Safety Day for Youth
Date: Sep 10, 2016
Location: Kensington Fire Hall

The PEI Federation of Agriculture is excited to be hosting its 5th Progressive Agriculture Safety Day!

This event is open to youth ages 7-14 who have an interest in agriculture ( no farm background necessary!).

Each year we bring in the best educators to teach our youth about farm safety in a fun hands on learning environment.
This year's demonstrations include:

  • Fire Safety- Learn to stop, drop and roll and use a fire extinguisher.
  • First Aid- Basic CPR and bandaging.
  • Lawnmower Safety- How to stay safe around/and when operating a lawnmower.
  • Disability Awareness- Learn what it would be like to have a farm accident and lose the use of a limb or have your eyesight impaired.
  • Helmet Awareness- Learn about the brain and how to protect it when riding an animal or a bike.
  • Animal Safety- Learn how to safely interact with livestock on the farm.

Registration is $5 and includes lunch and a t-shirt. Those pre-registered by Thursday, September 8th will be entered into a draw to win a bicycle!

Contact:  Charlotte Campbell
Contact Phone: 9023687289
Fax: 902-368-7204
Register on line: