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Events for: December 1, 2016

Event: National Outstanding Young Farmers'' Conference
Date(s): Nov 29, 2016 - Dec 04, 2016
Location: Hilton Fallsview, Niagara Falls, ON

Canada’s Outstanding Young Farmers' Program is designed to recognize young farmers that exemplify excellence in their profession. Eligible nominees must be farm operators between the ages of 18 and 39 who derive a minimum of two-thirds of their income from their farm operations.

Each year one farming couple is selected from each of the program’s seven Regional Recognition Events to represent their respective region at the National Recognition Event. At the National Event, the seven honourees are recognized for their achievements and judged by a distinguished panel of judges using the following criteria:

  • Progress made during their farming career
  • Maximum utilization of soil, water and energy conservation practices
  • Crop and livestock production history
  • Financial and management practices
  • Contributions to the well-being of the community, province and nation

Each year, two of the seven honourees are chosen by the judges as Canada’s Outstanding Young Farmers.

The vitality of the Program is maintained by the continued participation of its alumni members, who return each year to the National Recognition Event to honour and welcome the new members. The OYF program is sponsored nationally by Agriculture and AgriFood Canada, Bayer, CIBC and John Deere Canada ULC.

The highlight of this years event will be the Forum titled “Because I love you List” presented by Ang Fox & Maggie van Camp, the presentation of the W.R. Motherwell Award followed by the Gala Awards Banquet.

Contact:  Carla Kaeding
Contact Phone: 306-896-7833
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